The composition in the middle of ‘Index II: Dataset’ describes the privatisation of Landsbankinn through forms that represent two dates relevant to that historic development. The first is 1990 when Íslandsbanki was established, the second is 1998 when Fjárfestingabanki Atvinnulífsins (FBA) was established and the third is 2000 when Íslandsbanki merged with Fjárfestingabanki Atvinnulífsins (FBA) to become Íslandsbanki-FBA.
MDF & paint
Approx. 52 x 42 x 17 h. cm
The green form that tilts downward is built on a digital model in which the indices of M3 (broad money) and GDP are plotted on an horizontal axis (x) and credit on a vertical axis (y), which are then plotted along a z-axis of time to create a (digital) mass by connecting their vertices. The year 2000 is extracted from within that mass.
The yellow, purple, red and blue forms that run beneath the green are based on banking system indices by plotting banking equity and liabilities on a horizontal axis (x) and banking assets on a vertical axis (y). Two sets of dates are extracted from the virtual mass of the three-dimensional model. 1990 in yellow and 2000 in blue form one set, and 1998 in purple and 2000 in red form another.